domingo, 14 de abril de 2019

Catholic and Inca morality II

It is necessary to emphasize that the six last Commandments are very much alike the three principles of the moral code of the Incas. Ama sus , do not steal , applies to not to steal the life of your fellow human being, the fifth Commandment , it applies directly to the seventh Commandment which is not to steal .  Not to steal has to do with not desiring the wife of someone else, the nineth Commandment and with not desiring the goods that belong to others, the tenth Commandment. Ama yuya, do not lie , has to do with the eighth Commandment of not raising false testimony about neighbors.
The Hebrew commandments were obtained in the Mideast and the Inca principles were used in America . These Moral principles were used to guide people , to help them as beacons of social behavior. The simplicity of the Inca code is seen as a means of controlling the most basic deviations of humans , stealing, to lie and to be idle. 

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